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- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;
- ; Standard Control Template
- ;
- ; This template is provided to make sure all controls share similar functionality.
- ; A description would go here to explain what the control is used for and any
- ; special traits it has.
- ;
- ; Created by Gary Steinke, May 21/99
- ;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;; they don't seem to work with the current version of FERT.
- ;;;
- ;;; you CAN leave the end of file, though
- [control]
- id=NFS5.Something
- description=put description here
- parts=data
- ; All the parts described in this file. A data part should almost always be included.
- ; Note: The list of parts MUST go here, without even a comment between it and description.
- ; These are the 5 states supported currently by NFS. Other states can be added and
- ; will be treated as custom states.
- ;
- ; Only include hover if you support it, as it would cause a unneccisary performance hit otherwise.
- ; The rest of the states should be included even if they are not currently used to allow the possibility
- ; of extra functionality in the future.
- states=normal,hidden,hover,selected,disabled
- states.flags=0
- size.value=100,150
- size.flags=0
- moveable.value=1
- moveable.flags=HIDDEN|READONLY
- resizeable.value=1
- resizeable.flags=HIDDEN|READONLY
- pos=0,0
- pos.label=control.pos
- ; Unless you have a very good reason. Leave autosize as 1.
- ; Otherwise things don't hide or get input as you'd usually want them to.
- autosize.value=1
- autosize.flags=HIDDEN|READONLY
- ; All states should include the data part
- [state.normal]
- parts=data
- ; The parst that are active when a mouse is hovering over the control
- [state.hover]
- parts=data
- ; The parts that are active when the control becomes selected (grabs control)
- [state.selected]
- parts=data
- ; Only include the data part if it is hidden from view
- [state.hidden]
- parts=data
- ; If disabled is not supported or not yet supported by the control, it is probably better to just make it the same as hidden.
- [state.disabled]
- parts=data
- ;All controls should include a data part if it is required. Even if not, it is probably
- ;better to leave one in that is empty to allow future expansion.
- [part.data]
- id=DATA
- attributes.value=transon,transoff
- transon.type=STRING
- transon.value=NONE
- transon.label=Transition On
- transon.flags=0
- transoff.type=STRING
- transoff.value=SAME
- transoff.label=Transition Off
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;End of File;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;